Closing Ceremony of MAI International Aerospace Summer School 2018
On July 29, was held the solemn Сlosing ceremony of International Aerospace Summer School of MAI 2018.
The Closing сeremony was attended by the students, organizers, teachers, volunteers of MAI Summer School, representatives of MAI School of Management and students of double Master’s degree program MAI-SJTU.
During the ceremony were summed up the results of the weekly intensive program. Students had a course of lectures on Aerospace Engineering, for example on Basics of Polymer Composite Materials Design or Certification of Aircraft. They passed the practical program based on MIT management course, where they trained engineering and management skills, learned more about Russian culture and language. Students visited MAI laboratories with real aviation simulator and aircrafts. They had a trip to MAI training and aviation base “Alferevo”, where all participants of the Summer School learned how to collect and use the Russian landing parachute, flew on the aircraft An-2TD and even sat in the cockpit of the pilot directly during the flight.
Head of the program Alexander Khvan solemnly presented to all of 50 participants from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beihang University and Zhejiang University certificates of MAI International Aerospace Summer School 2018. Teachers and volunteers received letters of appreciation. After the festive banquet students made their way to the final point of the MAI Summer School program – to the Victory Park of Moscow.
Alexander Khvan about the International Aerospace Summer School of MAI 2018
“Our Summer School is really a unique educational project, because only MAI provides a real opportunity for students of foreign universities to take an intensive course in a week, starting from some basic design, ending with complex specific sections of aircraft engineering. For this week, the students had certainly very busy program and were involved in activity from 9 am to 9 pm. Many students, in particular from China, shared their impressions with me and expressed a great desire to return to Russia and continue the acquaintance with our country. I can say with full confidence that this project will become an annual one. Summer school of MAI is an opportunity for international students to visit Russia and learn something new, to get a unique theoretical and practical experience. I am sure that all participants of the International Aerospace Summer School of MAI 2018 will fly away with a smile on their faces”.