
International academic mobility of undergraduate and postgraduate students is one of the top priority areas in the development of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) — MAI ― and refers to students in higher education moving to another institution outside of their own country to study at a Partner University for an established period of time (one semester).

International academic mobility is a crucial part of international cooperation, which contributes to a better quality of the education system, improvement of the efficiency of scientific research, establishment of internal and external relations.

At MAI, International Department is responsible for the academic mobility. Over the years, students of various countries, including Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China and India have studied at MAI.

Who is eligible

Students from Partner Universities with a good command of English. Command of Russian language is also welcome, but is not compulsory.

How to apply

To participate in the academic exchange program you should be nominated by your university via and provide us with following documents (PDF):

  • CV
  • Recommendation letter
  • Copy of the valid passport or ID
  • Desired subjects to study at MAI
  • Language certificate (B1 or higher)

If you are a MAI student, you should be at least in the third year to participate in the academic exchange program. You should have no academic backlogs or financial debt. Having chosen the university and the desired academic area, you should come to room 104 for getting more detailed information.

Financial arrangements

An important provision to bear in mind is that a student who participates in the exchange program bears all expenses with regard to the accommodation, transport and personal needs. The tuition fee is fully covered.

Application deadline

Autumn semester June, 31
Spring SemesterNovember, 31



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