Delegation from Shanghai visits MAI: New Agreements Reached
From January 15-16, a delegation Shanghai Jiao Tong University led by Xu Xuemin, Vice-President for Education, visited Moscow Aviation Institute.
Earlier in 2017, MAI and SJTU introduced three joint Master’s degree programs in product lifecycle management, composite materials, and propulsion engineering. Having graduated, the students of joint programs will receive dual degrees.
On January 15, MAI officials held talks with representatives of SJTU Aerospace Faculty. The Parties finalized the themes of master's theses for Russian and Chinese students, appointed research supervisors from both universities, and discussed the issue of elaboration mutual educational materials for the master's program in product lifecycle management.
Discussing the admission campaign 2018, participants emphasized a high interest in the joint programs despite the fact that the official start of the campaign had not yet been announced.
The official representatives of MAI and SJTU agreed on the development and launch of a new joint Master´s degree program “Launch vehicle engineering and spacecraft”.
Dr. Mikhail Pogosyan, Rector of Moscow Aviation Institute appointed the high value of the programs that are implemented not as standard university ones but were developed to meet the requirements of industry majors and fitted to the challenges of the modern world.
Discussing the bachelor's project, the MAI Rector paid attention to the selection and pre-university training of young people.
“We are aimed at selecting talented students from the early years of studying at high school directly. They should participate in annual international competitions for high school students Olympiads and have a will to study abroad, be ready for quick adaptation in another country. We should think about how to find and select them”, – explained Dr. Pogosyan.The same day the parties discussed an opportunity of joint research works and set a roadmap for further cooperation.On January 16, Rector Pogosyan spoke before the Chinese colleagues presenting all the varieties of MAI educational and research facilities, then he guided a tour on university laboratories. Guests were shown Department №101 “Aircraft Design Engineering”, a wind tunnel, Faculty of Propulsion Engineering. They also were presented with new approaches for mathematical modeling in project management.