Market and space gains: MAI freshman established his own design office

– I was eight when I started dealing with computers; then I realized they were too small and bought a motorcycle; I got bored with motorcycle and then I assembled my buggy – a freshman of faculty “Aircraft Engines” Danil Sokolov giddily says. – Then it broke down and I realized that I needed more theory.
Employer on his own
To question of theory has always been the most painful for Danil. He entered an aviation College after the ninth grade because he always loved to “do something with hands”. Buggy wasn’t the only one – Danil and his team put together “Buran” spaceship model. And then his way of understanding the world was revealed – the theory through practice. He studied a local factory in his native Ufa – “Ufa Engine Industrial Association”. Joining the aerospace industry was natural – the highest technology, the most sophisticated design and the most interesting challenge.
He participated the International engine Forum 2016 with plasma engine project. Then he entered Moscow Aviation Institute. Immediately after that he asked himself where to work. He was too young for design offices. Attempts to reach the “Aircraft Builders Club" were not successful. And then Danil decided to create his own design office.
Legally "Youth Design Office" is a division of “ACF Consulting”. The first client appeared almost immediately – Yaroslavl State Museum “Agate”.
– I was eight when I started dealing with computers; then I realized they were too small and bought a motorcycle; I got bored with motorcycle and then I assembled my buggy – a freshman of faculty “Aircraft Engines” Danil Sokolov giddily says. If we are going to make an engine no one will believe – says Danil. – So we have to gain credibility. The authority of the office is gaining by creating rototillers (certainly improved ones). It is possible to make not only motorcycles, but also buggies and tractors. “Agate” was satisfied with the order and made 2 new ones.
Diploma to order
– In Russia there are very few commercial design offices, about twenty. We want any company that needs an engineering solution to make an order from us – ambitiously says Danil. – Initially we are growing in the commercial market and anyone can contact us. YDO will develop internal combustion engines for Denis Sukharev boats, they offered "Agathe" with another project – the aircraft.
– It will be a collaborative diploma project of two guys – Alexander Litvin and Mikhail Shmayov – Daniel calmly responds to my sniff. – In general I would like to have a system – several students from different faculties working on a large project.
Now few people work in YDO: the chief designer, chief technology officer and three design engineer – MAI students Alexander Litvin, Michael Shmayov, Denis Danylyshyn and Nikita Danylyshyn and one MGHPA student Vazgen Gilovyan. But Danil is planning to expand his business.
Market Dreams
His plans “to capture the market” seem ambitious and prudent. However, and he has a big and beautiful dream. Danil wants to create an aerospace system.
– Aircraft engines are terribly boring – he emphasizes. – Yes, nobody likes engines but they are cool! if you just fly into the air you need one engine type, to jump into the vacuum – another one. I want to create one engine for both needs.
– But right now it’s not done because it is irrational, who will need your invention?
– And I'll make it to be rational! – Stubbornly exclaims Daniel.
Danil is going to make his project see the world: baccalaureate, magistracy and postgraduate studies and even doctorate. The ambitious guy has plans relating to the academic side of education. Danil plans to organize the children making a complex diploma, to create a videoconferencing requires the participation of different specialists. According to Daniel the dean of the Faculty accepted his idea favorably.
– Of course, I still have much a theory to study, – he recalls. – The more I dive into myprojects the more I understand it.
Rest at work
Stubbornness and unconditional attracted the boys from YDO. Already on the first of September Danil spammed newly created group in the community "Vkontakte" posting about engines. This deterred many but not twins Denis and Nikita. Quite the contrary – they immediately contracted ideas of Danil, becoming the only students from the first course who like Danil delved with engines in childhood.
– I was interested in his project of plasma thruster – smiles Denis. – Now, of course, it has been postponed for five or six years, but we are working on it slowly. We do a lot of work – although we have to work in YDO only 20 hours a week, we hang out there a lot more, almost 100-120.
– No rest at all?!
– But why? We rest there. We are really interested in work, we do it on positive. Spend all free time there is crazy cool.
Such deliberate enthusiasm of young people makes me smile.
– Is that all? – Daniel asks briskly, and after my nod Denis immediately jumps.
– In the office? – He asked with hope.
– The Office! – Confidently answers the chief designer.