Speech of the MAI Rector on the Day of Knowledge

My dear MAI Residents, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!
New academic year is now ahead of us, and it is to bring each of you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and competencies and to take part in interesting projects in order to reveal your talents.
I am glad to welcome our first-year students today. Building a path from a student to an expert is a huge part of work we are to do together, and the result of it depends on our efforts. Get knowledge everywhere: not only during the lectures or practical classes, but also while communicating with your professors and classmates. I hope that the years spent at the university will open up opportunities for you to express yourself, reveal your multiple talents, to find something that will be interesting to you – not only in engineering and scientific research, but also in sports, creative and social activities and in many other areas. Do what fascinates and inspires you more, and you will certainly achieve success!
Let the desire to learn, be curios and targeting at professional and personal growth be your constant companions. MAI is a place that supports your ideas and helps you implement the most ambitious initiatives. Congratulations and good luck to all of you, my dear friends!