MAI discussed cooperation with the UAE Aerospace Agency

May 23, 2024
MAI discussed cooperation with the UAE Aerospace Agency

Moscow Aviation Institute plans to commence cooperation with the UAE Aerospace Agency in the sphere of personnel training. Focus areas of further cooperation were defined during the meeting of MAI delegation headed by Mikhail Pogosyan, the Rector of MAI, with the heads of the UAE Aerospace Agency.

The participants of the meeting discussed priority areas for the UAE in the development of the space industry, including small spacecraft, data processing of satellite systems and others, training requirements and issues of interaction with universities in the UAE to solve the tasks the country's Space Agency is facing nowadays.

– Personnel training, taking into account rapid development of space technologies, is becoming the key issue for the United Arab Emirates, – commented Mikhail Pogosyan, Rector of MAI. – The UAE Aerospace Agency is interested in developing cooperation with Russian colleagues – Roscosmos State Corporation and leading universities – aiming at personnel education for future projects, including the joint ones.

MAI is already implementing joint educational projects with the UAE. In September 2023, joint MAI-Khalifa University (Abu Dhabi) bachelor's degree program in Aviation Engineering was launched. The educational course in carried out in the "3 + 1" format: the first three years are spent at the Khalifa University, and the fourth year – at MAI. The program is aimed at comprehensive training of a new generation of engineers for international markets.


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