MAI team won the Moscow Student Rugby-7 Championship

April 23, 2024
MAI team won the Moscow Student Rugby-7 Championship

Moscow Aviation Institute Rugby-7 team became the winner of the XXXVI Moscow Student Sports Games.

The final tour of the competition took place on April 21. MAI team beat the teams of MEPhI (35:0), RUDN (42:7) and Bauman Moscow State Technical University (20:0) and lost to the MGUSiT team (10:26). As a result, MAI team took the second place in the round and the first place in the championship.

— In four rounds, our team took two first and two second places. And so we managed to beat our closest rival, the MGUSiT team, by 10 points, — commented team consultant Valery Khromenkov. — I am sincerely grateful to all the guys for their commitment and the dedication they went to the field each time with, and fought for victory.

The team not only secured the title of champions of Moscow among students, but also achieved the right to represent the capital at the IX Russian Summer Universiade 2024, which will be in Bashkortostan.

MAI PR-department

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