MAI and SPbPU opened a joint School for students from China

January 24, 2024

On the 24th of January, Moscow Aviation Institute hosted the opening of a Winter School for students from China, organized together with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The program was opened by Rectors of MAI and SPbPU – Mikhail Pogosyan and Andrey Rudskoy.

"The topics of the Winter School program are dedicated to those areas that will determine the competitiveness of the Russian and Chinese aviation industries in the global market. The cooperation between our countries is of a long-term strategic nature. The development of aircraft engineering and space technologies is one of the priorities of our cooperation, since MAI cooperates with the Chinese aviation industry in the framework of joint projects closely," – Mikhail Pogosyan said.

The main topics of the two-week intensive were composite materials and new production technologies. 24 students from Northwestern Polytechnic University (Xi'an) arrived to Russia to participate in the program. They will study one week at MAI and the other – at SPbPU.

"I consider the opening of the joint International Winter School of SPbPU-MAI to be a truly significant event, because students will be able to acquire the most important skills and knowledge in two flagship universities of Russia. MAI will host interactive classes, laboratory workshops, and students will visit a real production facility where aircraft structures are made from polymer composite materials. And then, at the Polytechnic, students of the School will get acquainted with additive manufacturing, which is used in a wide variety of industries more often nowadays. This approach makes the joint International Winter School of SPbPU-MAI a unique platform for the formation of professional competencies," said Andrey Rudskoy.

Students will receive basic information about composite materials and their production technologies, including familiarization with the production process in the laboratory of JSC "Aerocomposite" operating at MAI, learn about the main trends in these areas and acquire practical skills in working with engineering software. In addition, the program includes a block dedicated to the culture of Russia: visiting the sights of Moscow and St. Petersburg, getting acquainted with national traditions.

The start of the Winter School is one of the stages in the development of cooperation between MAI and Northwestern Polytechnic University. At the next stage, it is planned to open a joint MAI-NWPU institute, where four bachelor's degree programs in aircraft engineering, rocket complexes and astronautics, system analysis and management, as well as management in technical systems will be launched. At the end of their studies, graduates will receive diplomas from both universities.

The joint school will combine the experience and competencies of MAI and SPbPU and will give students the opportunity to gain knowledge and in-demand practical skills concerning new materials and production technologies. Conducting such programs allows international students to learn more about our country and form a human resource foundation for future international projects.

MAI PR-department

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