AI in space: MAI resident from Portugal speaks about the new generation of the satellites and the extraterrestrial neural networks

January 17, 2024
AI in space: MAI resident from Portugal speaks about the new generation of the satellites and the extraterrestrial neural networks

Danilo Nascimento from Portugal is a third-year student of the MAI Institute № 6 "Aerospace" and the application of artificial intelligence in aircraft control is the subject of his research. In this interview, Danilo speaks about his scientific work, the club he founded in MAI, and his future plans after he gets the bachelor's degree.

What are your main research interests?I am busy with motion control systems, navigation and propulsion systems of launch vehicles and spacecraft. The topic of my research is the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in control system algorithms. It is a very promising technology for a new generation of spacecraft.What is the essence of your research and where can it be applied?

Artificial intelligence is one of the areas that is relatively new and it is developing rapidly, but has not yet reached its peak. The topic of my research touches upon the effective use of artificial intelligence neural networks, their ability to adapt and assimilate arrays of information that are inaccessible to the human brain. The research aims to improve modern algorithms for orientation and search for the optimal trajectory.Artificial intelligence can be taught to adapt to unexpected circumstances in space, when it is necessary to make a decision in a critically short time, or when the spacecraft is too far away and has no communication with the Earth. Thus, the dependence of the aircraft on the constant receipt of commands from the human side is eliminated. This way we can guarantee that the apparatus will fulfill its mission regardless of whether people interact with it or they don’t, and will transmit the necessary information when it gets back in touch.The potential application of this development is in spacecraft, probes, satellites, planetary rovers, flights in deep space, missions to the far side of the Moon.This research will give a new impetus to space exploration. The possibilities of artificial intelligence are very wide, and we just need to learn how to use them.What are your main academic achievements lately?In 2022, I founded MAI Rocket Club. This is a scientific association of 15 students of different specialties who set out to develop their own research rocket. I have already prepared a scientific paper and software for the application of the multiplicative extended Kalman Filter for research rockets.In 2023, I participated in the forum "Engineers of the Future" of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia. Our team took the first place in the hackathon to create a prototype respirator. I was glad to apply my knowledge to do something useful for medicine. It was a very good experience of a real engineering project. My friends and I joked that the forum is a whole city that consists only of engineers. It was practically like that! I am very glad that I participated in it.For winning the hackathon, your team won a trip to the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant. How was your trip?In Yekaterinburg I got acquainted with the production of equipment at the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant. We were told about the study, design and modeling of various geodetic, medical and other devices.During the trip I learned more about Russia, the history of Yekaterinburg, visited the sights and saw many beautiful places. We visited the local theater, museum, even went snowmobiling and saw a very beautiful lake in the middle of the forest, covered with ice. A trip to Yekaterinburg is one of the most memorable events in my life in Russia.What your immediate plans are?I'm going to graduate and I want to continue studying motion control and navigation systems. My goal is also to take part in international student competitions in rocket science, such as IREC in America or EuRoC in Europe.


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