MAI was visited by a delegation of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam

April 17, 2024

On April 16, Deputy Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam Hoang Minh Shon visited Moscow Aviation Institute accompanied by a delegation of heads of Vietnamese universities.

During the visit, Hoang Minh Shong met with MAI heads, and the parties discussed the main vectors of cooperation.

– Engineering personnel education for Vietnam has a long history at Moscow Aviation Institute. Today, almost 100 Vietnamese students study here, and we are proud of the successes achieved by our graduates. I hope that joint efforts will give momentum to the development of high-tech industries in Russia and Vietnam, – said Mikhail Pogosyan, Rector of MAI, member of the Soyuzmash Bureau of Russia.

Deputy Minister of Education of Vietnam noted the importance of learning Russian. In the near future, in Vietnam, together with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian language courses will be launched on the basis of the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin Institute for students who intend to go to study in Russia.

- We are interested in training personnel in areas that are key for MAI: aircraft engines, control systems, mathematical modeling. MAI is very popular in our country. The majority of Vietnamese MAI students study under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation and are provided with a scholarship by the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Hoang Minh Shon said.

The two countries are systematically working in the field of education within the framework of the Russian-Vietnamese Consortium of Technical Universities, which was established in 2023 and is developing on the initiative and with the active participation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The consortium consists of MAI, National Research University “MEI” and Hanoi University of Science and Technology. The implementation of Russian educational programs within the consortium is planned with the involvement of industrial partners from Vietnam. Thus, MAI has already held negotiations with Viettel (telecommunications) and VATM (aviation) corporations, and they confirmed their interest in cooperation.

The program of the visit to the university included visit to educational laboratories, where modern and historical samples of airplanes, helicopters, the Almaz orbital station, as well as the MAI Avionics Competence Center, are located.

After getting acquainted with MAI, Hoang Minh Sean met with Vietnamese students who study at Russian universities. The participants of the meeting discussed the specifics of studying in Russia for students from Vietnam and the opportunities that graduates have. The event was attended by more than 150 Vietnamese students from MAI, Moscow automobile and road construction State Technical University (MADI), Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute":, State University of Management (GUU), RUDN University, MIPT, RSUH, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Pushkin Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution, Presidential Academy (RANEPA), MISIS, MIREA, Moscow State Linguistic University. 


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