MAI became the member of the Russian-Vietnamese Consortium of Technical Universities

December 8, 2023
MAI became the member of the Russian-Vietnamese Consortium of Technical Universities

Moscow Aviation Institute, MPEI, the National Research University and Vietnamese National University formed the new Russian-Vietnamese Consortium of technical Universities. The documents on the foundation of the consortium were signed in Hanoi during the fourth meeting of the Russian-Vietnamese Commission for Cooperation in the field of education, science and technology.  Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Konstantin Mogilevsky and Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of Vietnam Chan Hong Thai attended the ceremony.

The work of the consortium will be aimed at both classical education for bachelor's, master's degrees and postgraduate program, and professional development together with additional professional education. The implementation of Russian educational programs is scheduled with the participation of industrial partners from Vietnam.MAI delegation, headed by Andrey Sorokin, Director of the Department of Organizational and Personnel Work, held meetings with partners from Le Kui Don State Technical University and representatives of the Ministry of Education of Vietnam.

Vietnam is in third place in terms of the number of foreign students from non-CIS countries studying at MAI. 90 Vietnamese citizens are MAI residents today.

International Department

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