MAI hosts the II International Conference on High-Speed Transport HSTD-2023

August 30, 2023

The Moscow Aviation Institute is holding the II International Scientific and Technical Conference “High-speed transport of the Future: prospects, problems, solutions” (HSTD-2023). The event takes place from August 29 to September 3 on the basis of the eco-hotel “Scarlet Sails” on the southern coast of Crimea.

– At the conference, a base of fundamental knowledge is being formed that is necessary for the development of key technologies for creating new types of high-speed transport, including supersonic passenger aircraft of a new generation, - said Dmitry Strelets, deputy chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, director of the world-class scientific center “Supersonic” MAI, director of the Institute No. 1 “Aviation Technology” MAI.

The topic of the performances is divided into 8 sections, among them: “Acoustics. Noise. Vibrations. Process modeling”, “Power plant, systems and equipment”, “Design. Endurance. Perspective materials”, “Transport systems. Life cycle”, “Reliability. Failure safety. Maintenance and repair” and others. In total, it is planned to hear more than 80 reports of participants from 20 different organizations.

A number of reports are devoted to very specific practical research. For example, Egor Pronin from the Ufa University of Science and Technology spoke about “Designing an external centrifugal fan for the cooling system of an electric machine”. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department No. 101 of MAI Lyubov Gavva spoke about “Managing the parameters of a dimensional and weight project with optimal design of structurally anisotropic panels of aircraft made of composite materials with limitations according to the refined theory of stability”.

In turn, Irina Mishchenko from FSUE GosNIIAS prepared a report on the topic: “Control of the functional state of the pilot in flight using a biometric bracelet”. Candidate of Technical Sciences from Perm National Research Polytechnic University Igor Khramtsov highlighted the problem of “Localization of noise sources in jets flowing from corrugated nozzles”.

The conference is held in a face-to-face and online format. Following the results, the abstracts of the participants will be published in a collection that will be indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index on the platform . The HSTD-2023 conference was organized as part of the program of the creation and development of the world-class scientific center “Supersonic” for 2020-2025 with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Moscow Aviation Institute is one of the key participants of the consortium of the world-class Scientific Center “Supersonic”. The consortium also includes FAU “Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky”, “CIAM named after P.I. Baranov”, “GosNIIAS”, Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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