First Kaspersky OS developers graduated from MAI

First experts participating in the Laboratory of CyberImmune solutions at Department 307 "Digital Technologies and Information Systems" graduated from MAI. This direction is founded under the support of Kaspersky Lab. Six students defended their theses on the development of solutions based on Kaspersky.
"Interaction with the IT industry leaders in order to strengthen practical knowledge is an important part of MAI education. Preparation of final papers within the laboratory is the logical completion of bachelor's course. All students implemented their projects in practice and have shown the ability to solve a variety of very complex and non-typical tasks," said Fyodor Vasiliev, Head of Department 307 "Digital Technologies and Information Systems".
"Architecture of Information systems", "Programming for UNIX", "Information Security", "Software Engineering" courses are available for MAI students so that they could get acquainted with Kaspersky. Educational materials were created with the participation of the Kaspersky Lab. In a year and a half since the laboratory was opened, more than 150 MAI students have gained the knowledge necessary for development in Kaspersky.
"Today, the Kaspersky OS is the key link in the promising direction of cyber defense that our company is developing, namely the concept of cyberimmunity. It is based on the principle of Secure-by-Design. A cyberimmune device is designed so that only its basic functional goals and security policies are to be implemented. Thus, the vast majority of types of attacks on the cyberimmune system are ineffective and cannot affect its performance. We predict that the market demand for cyberimmune solutions will increase, and in the upcoming years they will be distributed in many areas - like industry, energy, transport infrastructure, smart city systems. MAI became the first university with which we launched the department and the laboratory of cyberimmune solutions. We are working together to bring up experts in a sought-after field," said Andrey Dukhvalov, Director of the Advanced Technologies Department of the Kaspersky Lab.
Kaspersky Lab is an international company working in the area of information security and digital privacy since 1997. The company's in-depth expertise and long-term experience are the basis of the new generation security solutions and services that ensure the security of business, critical infrastructure, government agencies and ordinary users. Kaspersky Lab's extensive portfolio includes advanced technologies for protecting the devices, a number of specialized products and services, as well as cyberimmune solutions to combat complex and constantly evolving cyber threats. Kaspersky Lab technologies protect more than 400 million users and 220 thousand of corporate clients worldwide.