MAI invented bioelectric prosthetic hand allowing to use a smartphone

May 31, 2023
MAI invented bioelectric prosthetic hand allowing to use a smartphone

Moscow Aviation Institute developed a project of a bioelectric prosthesis of hand, named Auxilia, which will enable its owner to perform many everyday actions that are not available when using a conventional prosthesis. For example, the device allows to use touch screens.

– Our constructive solutions will help people with prosthetics to cope with everyday difficulties. They will be able to play sports and work with digital devices, including typing on the keyboard and using the touchscreen. We plan to create a prosthesis that will be compatible with modern gadgets," says Oleg Sazonov, co-author of the project, a student of the Institute No. 9 "General Engineering ".

A common problem with many prostheses is that they are not adapted to fine motor skills. We are talking about precise movements that people constantly perform in everyday life. For example, when trying to fasten a jacket, open a jar, tie shoelaces, and so on. It is expected that with the Auxilia prosthesis, such actions will be easier to perform due to an innovative control system.

– We use a new biosignal for this area, which is called bioimpedance. The high frequency of the signal ensures its noise immunity, which will prevent false alarms. Ultimately, this makes it possible to manage the prosthesis more accurately and efficiently. When we make this or that movement with the wrist, the muscles on our forearm contract, and their electrical resistance changes. This is true even if a person has a prosthesis instead of a hand. By applying a small voltage to the muscles of the forearm with the help of special electrodes, we can record changes in their resistance, which allows us to recognize what kind of movement a person wants to make, – Oleg Sazonov emphasizes.

Another important feature of the prosthesis can be a feedback system implemented with the help of electrical impulses. With its application, a person will be able to feel the touch.

The prototype is scheduled to be released in September. The prototype will be printed on a MAI 3D printer and it will be made of medical plastic. The rehabilitation device will be hypoallergenic.

Now the developers are in search of a tester and are collecting feedback from users of bionic prostheses to make the product as comfortable as possible before launching industrial production. In addition, the creators of Auxilia intend to receive additional investments from the Innovation Promotion Fund. In 2020, they have already received a grant from this organization.

The developers of the device became participants of the pilot acceleration program "Startup Studio" MAI. This allowed the team to develop an MVP and a market promotion strategy. The program is implemented on the basis of Institute No. 14 "Advanced Engineering School" and the MAI Marketing Center.

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