MAI created methodology for calculating strength of aviation composites

June 28, 2023

Scientists of Moscow Aviation Institute created a calculation methodology and software that allows to select the mechanical properties of composite materials for aircraft construction. Currently, the technique is being used for the prospective Russian-Chinese commercial wide-body long-haul aircraft.

The project is carried out by experts of the laboratory No. 2 "Composite Materials" NIO-101 under the leadership of Egor Nazarov. This work turns out to be especially relevant in the context of the course taken by the industry for import substitution.

– A lot of work is being done in the Russian aviation industry to replace foreign composite materials with domestic ones. Enterprises are now actively developing aggregates, components made of composites and binding elements, new adhesives," says Konstantin Shramko, the expert of the laboratory No. 2 "Composite Materials".

The peculiarity of the development is that the new software allows to model the composition of the material, close to the real one, that is, taking into account technological and manufacturing defects. Most domestic analogues rely on idealized parameters that are not available in practice when modeling.

– We consider the composite material as a whole, and its constituents: fiber, matrix, interface. Inhomogeneities, delaminations, pores, cracks are added to the model. A study is being carried out to add various inclusions to the material, for example, nanotubes. All this makes it possible to choose a composite with optimal properties that meet the increased requirements for strength and rigidity, – Konstantin Shramko emphasizes.

With the help of the program, the selection of suitable composites for the aircraft will reduce the time and cost of designing and testing both the whole airliner and its components several times, the scientist predicts. The program might be useful in work on other domestic civil aircraft, Konstantin adds.

The work on the project is carried out in accordance with the strategic project "Future Aerospace Markets-2050" of the MAI development model within the framework of the Priority-2030 program.

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