MAI students won prizes at the international industrial forum "Engineers of the Future"

July 3, 2023

Students of Moscow Aviation Institute won several prizes in the course of the educational program of the XI International Youth Industrial Forum "Engineers of the Future-2023". The forum was organized by the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, the Government of the Tula region, Rosmolodezh, the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises.

The event was held in the Tula region from June 23 to July 3. During the days of work, it was visited by about 1,000 young engineers of industrial enterprises, graduate students and students from 73 countries. The MAI team consisted 21 of students from nine countries.

As part of the educational program of the forum, MAI residents participated in the work of nine faculties out of 15 possible. At the Faculty of Biotechnology, the student of the Institute No. 6 "Aerospace" MAI Almeida Nascimento Danilo Augushtu won the first place.

At the Faculty of International Cooperation, MAI team consisting of Olga Semenova, a student of the Institute No. 10 "Foreign Languages", Aminath Akmal Mohamed, a student of the Institute No. 6 "Aerospace", as well as students of the Institute No. 1 "Aviation Technology" Mohamed Lafir Azfar Nizami and Naturvedi Priyal took the first place.

At the automotive faculty, two students received awards. Alyona Kornyushina, a student of the Institute No. 11 "Materials Science and Technology of Materials", took third place, and her fellow student Sofia Trishina distinguished herself in the nomination "Recognition from a coach".

Students of the Institute No. 4 "Radio Electronics, Infocommunications and Information Security" Daria Gordeeva and Vadim Dorofeev took third places at the faculties of robotics and training of project teams "Breakthrough", respectively. Andrey Rykalin, a student of the Institute No. 6 "Aerospace", also won a prize at the Faculty of Science and Engineering for participating in the competition for the creation of an unmanned aerial vehicle project.

The forum "Engineers of the Future" is held annually for young leaders of structural divisions of industrial companies, engineers and technical specialists, students and postgraduates of higher educational institutions, representatives of youth public organizations.

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