MAI expanded cooperation with the Friflex IT-company

May 24, 2023
MAI expanded cooperation with the Friflex IT-company

In spring of 2023, Friflex became the IT-partner of the "digital department" of Moscow Aviation Institute. The company offered the student project team a case study on creating a service for generating synthetic checkers sessions.

The difference from the standard internship is that the 10-week program comprises a full cycle of project implementation from the distribution of tasks among team members to the development of a software solution and the release of a promotional landing page. Within the team, such roles as the backend developer, the frontend developer, the system analyst, the project manager, the product manager, the testing specialist and others were defined and distributed.

“We have distributed the MAI team members according to the tasks they are interested in. Interaction with Friflex helped students to get acquainted with new technologies and improve the skill of the independent work on a project. Progress was visible at the weekly status calls, engagement was very high, despite the parallel workload connected with the studies,” said Gleb Papchikhin, curator of the internship, ML-developer at Friflex.

Acquaintance with applicants to the magistracy

Also on May 18, Friflex experts spoke to those entering MAI Master's program in technological specialties. At the meeting, the participants were introduced to the directions of internships at Friflex and learnt about the requirements for new specialists. At the Friflex stand, students were able to get answers to questions about what skills that are necessary when applying for an internship, how familiarity with tasks occurs, how promising is the direction of the cross-platform development.

“We are trying to bring an intern to the level of a junior specialist. Individual work with a mentor – an employee of the company aleady – allows you to quickly immerse yourself in the specifics of the work. For practice, real tasks are selected on Friflex's own projects in cooperation with the project team,” Olga Chernysheva, Head of Brand and Communications at Friflex, shared with the students the details of internships.

She spoke about the areas of internships: mobile development, backend development, machine learning, Q&A, design and marketing. Olga also shared Friflex cases in the direction of client mobile development for top retail, insurance and fintech market clients.

MAI PR-department

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