Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day from Mikhail Pogosyan, Rector of Moscow Aviation Institute

April 12, 2023
Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day from Mikhail Pogosyan, Rector of Moscow Aviation Institute

Dear friends,

I congratulate you on Cosmonautics Day!

Moscow Aviation Institute is the talent foundry for the Russian space industry, and its development has always been one of our top priorities. We are proud of MAI graduates who devoted their lives to space: rocket and space technology designers and engineers who ensure life cycle, faculty increasing knowledge in this area, and, of course, our cosmonauts – there are 27 of them this year among MAI graduates and graduate students.

The future of Russian cosmonautics is created on Earth: together with leading industry enterprises MAI teaches experts space technology production and operation, computer modeling and space systems design. Moscow Aviation Institute is the base attracting young people to the space industry and, at the same time, one of the development drivers of space technologies.

MAI cooperates with colleagues from JSC “Reshetnev” on projects aimed at the creation of global information satellite systems based on constellations of small spacecraft. Collaboration has been established with JSC “NPO Energomash” for development and production of rocket engines. There is partnership between MAI and the Cosmonaut Training Center named after Y.A. Gagarin in the field of joint training programs and innovative developments. At the end of 2022, MAI Space Technology Center was opened at the university as part of the Priority 2030 program.

The aim of Moscow Aviation Institute is the leadership in breakthrough competencies in the aerospace market in order to supply the industry with advanced technologies. I am sure that together we will reach new heights! Happy holiday!

Mikhail Pogosyan, MAI rector

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