New Year greetings from MAI Rector Mikhail Pogosyan

December 25, 2022
New Year greetings from MAI Rector Mikhail Pogosyan

My dear friends!

2022 turned out to be an important development stage for the University, we have achieved sufficient results and bright victories!

MAI continued to develop new model of cooperation with the industry as part of the “Priority-2030” program. We accelerate new technological directions, such as mathematical modeling, composite structure design, electrical systems, small spacecraft services, and another large batch of work is devoted to the unmanned aerial vehicle, because the market is developing rapidly.

This year MAI has become the winner of the federal contest for the creation of the front line engineering schools. The victory will allow us to bring the engineering MAI education to a completely new level, while solving the problems of creating comprehensive services basing on new generation aircraft and implementation of new technologies.

Due to the development of new approaches, a unique scientific and educational space is now being formed at the University, and it provides vast opportunities for personal and professional growth and for new innovative scientific discoveries.

There have been many events for us to be proud of this year. Two MAI postgraduate students are now conducting their research on the board of the ISS. MAI KVN team played its first season in the KVN Top League and performed in the finals. Our athletes, volunteers and social activists have achieved great success this year.

And once again it all confirms that MAI residents hit new peaks wherever they choose to due to their ambitiousness, consistency and talents! I wish you to reveal your best traits in the new year and reach for your goals bravely. May the year be productive, successful and happy to you!

Happy upcoming New Year!

Mikhail Pogosyan, MAI rector

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