Experts from five countries opened the MAI "Aviation and Cosmonautics" conference
The 20th International Conference "Aviation and Cosmonautics" started at Moscow Aviation Institute. The conference is held online as part of the VIII International Aerospace Science Week. The first event of the conference was a plenary session with the participation of experts from five countries.
The session was moderated by the acting vice-rector for scientific work of Moscow Aviation Institute Yury Ravikovich. The event was attended by Peter Russer, Adrian Olaru, Professor of the Technical University of Munich (Germany), Head of the Laboratory of Dynamic Behavior of Industrial Robotics at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania), Anand Adarsh, Assistant Professor at the University of Delhi (India), Alen Glebo, Researcher at the University of Split (Croatia).
Experts presented reports on the development of a hybrid electric propulsion system for regional aviation, modeling and measurement of stochastic electromagnetic fields, studies of kinematics and dynamics of industrial robots, detecting software vulnerabilities using mathematical modeling, creating an algorithm for recognizing and classifying various objects for an unmanned aerial vehicle.
On November 24 and 25, the conference will be continued with breakout sessions in nine areas: "Aviation Systems", "Aircraft, Rocket Engines and Power Plants", "Control Systems, Informatics and Power Engineering", "Information and Telecommunication Technologies of Aviation, Rocket and Space Systems", "Rocket and space systems", "Robotics, intelligent systems and aviation weapons", "Mathematical methods in aerospace science and technology", "New materials and production technologies in the field of aviation and rocket and space technology", "Economics and management of enterprises of the aerospace complex ". Reports on each of the directions will be presented in several sections. The program is available here:
More than 700 people from 10 countries will take part in the 20th International Conference "Aviation and Cosmonautics". The conference will traditionally become a platform for scientific discussion and exchange of experience between specialized scientific and educational organizations, industrial enterprises of the aerospace complex and representatives of science-intensive business in Russia, near and far abroad. Thus, the event will contribute to more effective solution of project tasks in the context of the integration of education, science and business.