MAI and ITAM of RAS created a unique solution for calculations in gas dynamics
"A wide range of software-implemented continuum and kinetic methods for numerical modeling of various gas-dynamic flow regimes has been assembled during the project. Existing software codes have been upgraded and the applicability of each method to several fundamental gas dynamics problems has been investigated. For example, the shock wave structure problem and the shock wave regular reflection problem," says Maxim Timokhin.Enthalpy is a thermodynamic function that characterizes the energy state of a system under constant pressure. Before and after the shock wave, enthalpy remains unchanged. A shock wave is characterized by a jump in the medium's parameters: density, pressure, temperature, velocity. An illustrative example is an entry of a spacecraft into the upper atmosphere when there is an abrupt change in the dynamics of a rarefied gas, where the classical equations of hydroaerodynamics stop working. Work on this question has been carried out since the inception of the space industry, but the enthalpy behavior inside the shock wave has so far been little investigated.