Remote Physical Education: How this Subject is Taught at MAI

March 27, 2020
On March 17, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) completely switched to the distance learning mode. This affected not only specialized subjects, but also physical education. The MAI PR department talked to the MAI Department of Physical Education and found out how with the help of modern technologies MAI students study sports disciplines while sitting at home.The translation of such a subject as physical education online in the modern world is not something difficult to implement. At Moscow Aviation Institute, this discipline was transferred to the remote format a week ago.The main platform for students training in sports culture is the LMS MAI platform (Learning Management System), which is developed and supported by the MAI E-Learning department. Teaching tools, as well as training courses with theoretical and practical materials (sets of exercises), the contents of which for each schools are slightly different, are posted for the students. All materials are exclusive, and were prepared by the teaching staff of Moscow Aviation Institute. To international students, the exact same educational process is conducted, only in English.Complexes of exercises are presented not only in the video format, but also text documents with the accompanying name and description of the exercise, as well as illustrations that demonstrate the exercise technique. Assuming that the student improves his or her physical form from year to year, the exercises are given as complexity increases from course to course. Theoretical material in the 1st year also has a more introductory format, such as, for example, the study of the basic systems of self-control during exercise.“One of the tasks on the agenda of the Physical Education Department is the localization of classes that take place online. Many teachers are already conducting them with their students on Skype,” says Svetlana Vorobyova, a teacher at the MAI Physical Education Department. "The plus of such classes is obvious: the possibility of a more competent distribution of a valuable resource - time. The teacher can collect all his students from the cameras at once and together, in an organized manner, perform some exercises.”Additional means of communication with students are various online services. If LMS has courses for all MAI schools, then on social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook), WhatsApp and e-mail, each teacher carries out individual work with students who are assigned to him.Chats are created there, in which control of learning and the performance of homework are held. With control everything is simple. The student sets up the camera on the phone, records the video of the exercise and sends it to his or her teacher, who, in turn, gives feedback, analyzes the mistakes made. The control of the theoretical part in LMS is on the harmonization now. In addition to general physical training, which should be studied by all students, there are many sports sections at Moscow Aviation Institute, whose trainers also work remotely with the students, offering them specialized exercises to perform. Work with national teams is still taking place on social networks and WhatsApp, in parallel with this, active work is underway to develop an individual approach to sports on the LMS platform, coaches compose programs. However, it is worth considering that training in a remote format, without access to training bases, implies only maintaining shape.How to stay at home supporting your body: general recommendations
  1. If there is an opportunity to go out - do walking, Nordic walking or jogging (easy jogging). This is the simplest and most affordable form of physical activity.
  2. At home, you can perform a set of elementary physical exercises, giving it at least 15-20 minutes a day to disperse the blood. This can also include stretching or dumbbell exercises for the more advanced.
  3. Do breathing exercises.
  4. Observe the regime of work and rest: make intervals between training: 45/15 minutes or 50/10 minutes.
PR Department

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