Mathematics & Computer Science

The main concept of the program is the study of modern information technology with a mathematical foundation. Thus, the university satisfies the demand of large companies for specialists in the analysis, processing and transmission of data who are proficient in the modern methods of computer simulation, statistical data processing, and computer vision.
Key features
The program is based on fundamental mathematical training, as well as practical knowledge in modern technologies. This is made possible by most of the program's teachers combining teaching with work at some of the largest IT companies. The program cooperates with industry partners in a wide variety of areas.
Principal subjects
- Information search
- Software engineering
- Application of global optimization methods in management
- Computational linguistics and intelligent technologies
- Applied Internet technologies
- Dynamic scenes designing in the Unity 3D platform
- Marketing of digital products
- Computational mathematics
Career opportunities
- IT companies
- XR labs at large technology companies
- R&D departments of large engineering companies in the areas of AI&ML or AR&VR
Head of the program
Sergey Krylov
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of School No. 8: Information Technology and Applied Mathematics