Economics & Management

By becoming a student of the master's degree program in economics and management, you will learn to understand the key role of financial flows and critically analyze the state of the financial market. Students apply the best achievements of various scientific schools, economic doctrines, theories and concepts on which knowledge in the field of economics is based. One of the aims of the program is the development of students' personal qualities and the formation of professional skills. It will allow them to effectively realize the functions of business process management in the enterprise.
Key features
The interactive forms of classes are prior: students get practical knowledge by workshops, master classes, business games, studying cases from management practice. Learning groups consist of no more than 25 students, making classes effective for each student. 50% of the teaching team are highly qualified practicioners, as well as leading specialists in the subject areas. Close cooperation is established with leading European companies in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency: Bayer, Schneider Electric, Uponor, Stiebel Eltron, Alwitra, Profine, Engex, etc. Graduates' master theses are approved by business professionals, which broadens one's contacts and greatly increases the likelihood of successful employment.
Principal subjects
- Scientific seminars on economic problems
- Economic, financial, marketing, and analytical services for various industries
- Financial analysis and consulting
- Marketing research
- Staff training and development strategy
- Price formation
- Enterprise finance
- Economic evaluation of innovation
Career opportunities
- Economic, financial, marketing and analytical services of organizations of various industries
- Academic and departmental research organizations
- Professional, higher, and further education institutions
Head of the program
Sergey Novikov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of School No. 5: Engineering Economics and the Humanities