Control Systems & Computer Science in Engineering

The main content is theoretical and applied research of the laws of functioning and development of objects and processes, paying attention to the specifics of aviation and space technologies, focused on improving the efficiency of management of technical systems using modern methods of information processing.
Key features
Highly-qualified teachers, doctors and candidates of science, leading scientific researches, as well as top-specialists of enterprises teach students of the area “Onboard Electronics and Technical Cybernetics”. The graduates gain profound knowledge, experience and practical skills in analysis, synthesis, modeling, optimization, improvement of management and decision-making in order to increase the efficiency of complex technical systems, data processing, targeted impact on research objects. This program allows students to achieve the main goals of professional activity: creation and maintenance of software architecture, setting tasks and development a research program, analysis of modern problems of innovation, getting basic set of soft-skills.
Principal subjects
- Engineering of measuring and computing systems
- Computer control technologies in engineering systems
- Systems theory and analysis
- Intelligent systems
- Artificial intelligence technologies
- Sensor technologies — methods and means of obtaining measurement information
Career opportunities
- Masters' training constantly improves in cooperation with leading research institutions and high-tech enterprises. Our graduates work as heads of development departments, designers, engineers, technologists, etc. at leading enterprises of various industries, from aerospace enterprises to IT companies and financial sector firms.
Head of the program
Yuri Sledkov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of School No. 3 Control Systems & Computer Science in Engineering