Mathematics & Computer Science

In this age of digitalization, the world needs great experts in mathematics and computer science. MAI fully meets the modern requirements for training brilliant specialists in the field of design and use of software for computer, information, and intelligent systems, as well as application of mathematical methods and mathematical modeling. These professionals are engaged not only in aviation and cosmonautics but also economics, ecology, robotics, and other spheres.
Key features
MAI has vast experience in mathematics and computer science. It has been accumulating knowledge and suggesting cutting-edge solutions for over 90 years. That is why by joining us you will receive a high-quality education and a unique opportunity to study as part of a modern computing community. MAI's laboratories have the newest hardware, computer classes, and tech clusters. The University’s computers are set up with operating systems in the Windows, Linux, and BSD families, modern programming environments, application and utility suites. In addition, students participate in scientific seminars, conferences, and olympiads during their studies.
Principal subjects
- Computer systems
- Fundamental computer science
- Discrete mathematics and cryptography
- Computing networks and telecommunications
- Databases and their design
- Fundamental algorithms
- Programming languages and methods
Career opportunities
- Software and information systems architect
- General system programmer
- Developer of information and search systems, data warehouses, databases, and intelligent systems
- Advanced system and application programmer
Head of the program
Sergey Krylov
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of School No. 8: Information Technology and Applied Mathematics