Economics, Management & Linguistics

The Economics & Management programs are designed for students who want to master effective business administartion, startup management, investment, crisis management, economic support, foreign economic activities, and human resource management.
Translation activities hold a special place in the global aerospace industry, and knowledge of foreign languages is essential for any specialist in the context of globalization and international cooperation.
Key features
The Economics & Management program aims to provide students with competencies in the management of high-tech companies and projects, financial, economic, and government structures, HR and PR. Modern economy is highly interested in specialists with the interdisciplinary knowledge supplied by this program. Students learn the practical applications of IT in solving economic problems faced by enterprises in high-tech industries, especially the aerospace one.
Within the Linguistics program, students acquire not only language proficiency and translation skills, but also translate scientific and technical texts, specialized documentation, learn professional vocabulary and intercultural communication.
Principal subjects
- Engineering economics
- Organization of production
- Personnel management systems
- State and municipal property management
- Basics of technical translation
- Aviation English
- Intercultural communication theory
Career opportunities
- Translator and interpreter in aerospace and other technical spheres
- Advertising and PR specialist in government and commercial organizations
- Business project manager
- Analyst and marketing specialist
- Energy management specialist
- Specialist of personnel training and development
- Economist in aerospace industry
Head of the program
Sergey Novikov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of School No. 5: Engineering Economics and the Humanities