Young physicist from Vietnam

Young physicist from Vietnam

We interviewed Nguyen Van Tu who had repeatedly won interuniversity Olympiads in Physics.

The MAI development strategy includes an increase in the number of foreign students. The Pacific Rim is one of the priority regions. In 2017 the university made a boost: the number of students from the region increased almost fourfold. Here at MAI, many of the students do not just get knowledge for their future career but successfully participate in interuniversity Olympiads representing our university.

Nguyen Van Tu, a student from Faculty № 4 «Electronics for Flight Vehicle Engineering» won All-Russian Student Olympiad in Physics. Historically, the Vietnamese people have had a special attitude towards Russia: the Russian language is spread in the country no less than English. The Nguyen Van Tu’s family is no exception: his father has very warm feelings towards Russia. He participated in the fighting during the Vietnam-US conflict.

«Russia is one of the world powers, which introduces progressive solutions, especially in aircraft design and aerospace technology, and this is clearly visible for us, people of Asia,» Nguyen Van Tu said. Vietnam’s economy shows rapid growth, especially in new technologies, electronic and aerospace industries. So, competent specialists are in high demand in these areas.

When Le Quy Don Technical University announced the start of accepting applications for a university program in Russia Nguen realized that it was a turning point in his life and applied for the program. His father agreed with him and endorsed his choice. As a result, in 2012 Nguyen Van Tu won a scholarship and came to Russia.

Many of the members of Le Quy Don faculty studied at MAI and are pleased to recommend us to prospective students as a university which provides in-depth knowledge combined with real practice training. Moreover, the Vietnamese educational system for fundamental disciplines is very similar to the one that was implemented in the Soviet Union.

Nguyen Van Tu received his Bachelor’s degree at MAI and continued his studies on the Master’s program at the Department № 404 ‘Electrical Design, technology and manufacturing’. While studying, he began intensive training in physics with Mr. Sergey Perminov who conducted a special Olympiad training section at the university. The training focused on solving problems of increased complexity. Nguyen Van Tu quickly got into the swing of learning and soon he began to participate in interuniversity Olympiads.

Since 2014, the MAI team has been among the top three at Bauman University Physics Olympiad Competition. In 2017 the MAI team, that included Artem Surovezhko, Nadezhda Startseva and Nguyen Van Tu, took the third place. Nguen was the third in the individual competition. "Physics is awesome. It is one of the most interesting subjects taught at MAI. It’s no wonder that Sir Isaac Newton called this subject ‘the mathematical principles of natural philosophy’. While learning physics we comprehend more about the nature, we can explain its phenomena,«— Nguen explained.

Meanwhile, the studying is only a part of his life in Russia. He and friends of his like visiting Red Square, VDNKh; they went on vacation to Kazan, Obninsk, St. Petersburg, Tula and other cities. Upon graduation, Nguyen plans to return home and knows what he will do — he wants to be employed in one of electronics industry companies. «Many samples of electronics Vietnam buys in China and other countries, although we could successfully produce them by our own. In this area, I plan to apply the knowledge obtained at MAI,» — the student said.

Perseverance Champions

Vietnamese students are one of the three largest communities of foreign students in our university. In 2017 more the 70 students from the country studied in MAI. Members of the faculty highly appreciate their skills. «Vietnamese students are very responsible and plodding in the process of learning and it is a pleasure to work with them. I think it is a merit of the supervisory authority in their country» — Pr. Vladimir Busurin said.

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