Ecological and educational contest “Clean Arctic – the territory of education”

1 March - 1 May
Ecological and educational contest “Clean Arctic – the territory of education”

We invite MAI residents to participate in the ecological and educational contest "Clean Arctic – the Territory of Education", which is held within the framework of the International Environmental Project "Clean Arctic", and to contribute to the preservation of the Arctic land.

The aim of the competition is to popularize knowledge about the Arctic and the formation of groups of active volunteers to participate in the expeditions of the third season (2023).

The competition is held in the following categories:

  • Arctic Ambassador – Connoisseur of Creativity;
  • Arctic Ambassador – Keeper of Knowledge;
  • Arctic Ambassador – Scientific leader.

The main aim of the “Clean Arctic” project is to create a program to clean up the Arctic territories from waste generated as a result of their intensive development during the Soviet period. 3,000 volunteers have taken part in the project. They have cleared 110 hectares of Arctic land – more than 5,000 tons of waste have already been removed from it.

The expeditions of the third season may be attended by persons over the age of 18 who are of strong physical health and may be characterized as psychologically stable, who have scored the highest number of points in the nominations. It is necessary to have good physical fitness, show psychological stability in stressful situations and demonstrate well developed communicative skills, whether one is to be admitted or not is to be determined at a personal interview.

The contest is held remotely, in one round from March 1 to May 1. The results will be published on the website on May 22, 2023.

More information about the activities of the project can be found on the website. You can ask questions about the “Clean Arctic” project in the telegram chat or personally to the head of the volunteer groups of the project – Anastasia Faterina – @faterinagreen (Telegram).


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