MAI campus includes 9 dormitory buildings with a total number of 7020 beds. The area of the dormitories is 79,541 sq. m. The dormitory buildings are equipped with laundry rooms, cooking facilities, bicycle storage rooms, etc. offering a comfort stay for students. Wi-Fi internet access is free.
Bilateral dormitory agreements and additional services agreements are concluded between the students living in the dormitory and MAI Campus. Student self-government and student public organizations assist the work of Campus. Issues with settlement of international students are solved at the International Department. Provision of dormitory accommodation at MAI campus is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on MAI Campus", approved by the Order of the rector from March 25, 2015 No. 138

Campus Administration
Moscow, Dubosekovskaya street, 5
Sergey Troshev
Responsible for all accommodation issues for current international students
+7 916 180-70-09 Main Administrative Building, room 110Central Security Post
Hostel check-in
Check-in is only on week days, Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00
The dormitory is provided in accordance with the federal law "on education in the Russian Federation" of 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ (art. 39). On the basis of the University orders each faculty has a certain number of dormitory places. To provide accomodation to Students, Master Students and Postgraduate Students. Dormitory accommodation is provided on the basis of the order on University admission for Students, Master Students and Postgraduate Students, that were enrolled with the provision of dormitory (the number of vacant places is regulated by faculties). The International Department provides accommodation for the international students
Dormitory accommodation cost is established on the basis of the University order in accordance with the provisions of federal law № 273 of the 29.12.2012 "on education in the Russian Federation" and taking into account the current housing rates for and communal services rates, approved by the decision of the Government of Moscow.
For International students, accommodation cost is 90 USD per month.