Outgoing academic mobility

Outgoing academic mobility — semester-long exchange. International academic mobility allows students to:

  • Participate in shaping their own educational trajectory in accordance with their chosen career path and areas of interest.
  • Extend the acquired competencies (including those in practical application of skills).
  • Widen their circle of academic, business and personal acquaintances.


Who can participate?

Full-time students in bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degree programs

During which semesters can I participate?
Semester: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Specialists         + + + + +  
Bachelors         + + +      
Masters   + +              
How to participate?
  • 1

    Determine which type of student you are:

    • State-funded/self-funded student
    • Company-sponsored student
    • MAI-sponsored student
    • Competency Center intern
  • 2

    Choose a university from the list and your preferred program.

    (Pay attention to internal application deadlines. Applications are submitted to the host university along with a complete set of documents no later than 3 days before the application deadline at the partner university).

    The list of European and Asian institutions

    *NOTE: To estimate the living cost in a selected country, you can use the following service:


  • 3

    Fill the form (found below).

    After filling the form you will receive a confirmation of your nomination being considered from the International Department.

  • 4

    Verify your language ability.

    No international certification is usually required for semester-long exchange programs. In case you have a valid certificate confirming your language level (no lower than B1), it can be attached to your application.

  • 5


    Have the preliminary curriculum approved by your sending department (Appendix 1).

  • 6

    If sponsored

    If you are a company-sponsored, MAI-sponsored or Competency Center-sponsored student, attach the contract with your referring department specifying the financial terms of your participation.

  • 7


    Submit the signed documents to the International Department along with a set of documents required by the selected university to have you nominated for the program.

    Where to submit my application? — To the MAI International Department at exchange.programs@mai.ru or the Main Administrative Building (“GAK”), Room 104. Application deadlines:

    • For the spring semester: October 15, 2020
    • For the fall semester: March 15, 2020
  • 8


    Await application confirmation.

  • 9


    Receive an invitation for the visa.

  • 10


    File an application (Appendix 2) and clear it with following offices:

    • Head of the Department
    • Director of the School
    • Security Office
  • 11


    Submit your application to the International Department.

  • 11


    Get ready for your departure.


Students in academic mobility programs need to know that their student status changes for the exchange period. Therefore, it is important to remember the following:

  • First: Always keep in contact with your MAI supervisor. They will provide a helping hand and support in all organizational and study matters.
  • Second: If you find a previously selected study plan to be inappropriate for you, you will need to contact your supervisor to have changes made to the plan and receive a new study agreement.


When your academic mobility program is coming to an end, you need:

  • Firstly, to contact your International Department supervisor or your school office, since your student status changes for the exchange period and your pass card is deactivated. Therefore, upon arriving to the University, you will need to have a temporary pass permit issued by your school or the International Department.
  • Secondly, to file an application to get admitted to the studies and the exams and to have your credits transferred.

Application form for the academic mobility program

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